
 Dialogue Can Be a Service

Join with others in the service of group dialogue. This dialogue could resound and refract physically, etherically, emotionally, and mentally, and help to engage and clarify these planes in service to the evolution of the consciousness of humanity. Scroll down to see a video of a session and to look at courses that are forming, in process, or ones that are possible.


The Center of Synthesis Sessions

Beginning Saturday April 5th, 2025, a new edition of the Headquarters Series will be offered again as a group dialogue. Called The Center of Synthesis Sessions, this series will include a significant amount of material that has come to light since the last time the lessons were offered.

The Seventh Ray

Beginning in Wednesday April 9th, 2025, we will start a new group dialogue using a compilation of quotations from the works of Alice Bailey and Lucille Cedercrans. To learn more about either of these, scroll down to the Courses Section and click the icon for more information, or click Contact to send us an email.

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This approach to dialogue is a way to work with our mental, emotional, and etheric fields in their natural, aligned state, as a conscious, intentional service to the evolution of human consciousness. Collaborative dialogue helps build group insight, sometimes far beyond what can be achieved through simply reading the same text individually. Work with servers across town and across the world using high definition audio and video that allows face-to-face interaction.

To watch a video, Dialogue as Service, of a working session (that also explains our working methods) CLICK HERE

For a copy of the text (titled Dialogue as Service) we used in the video CLICK HERE

For more information about our online work (purpose, elements, format, and tech) CLICK HERE.

Interaction between participants in these courses, is via a method known as Dialogue as Service. It is a scientific means of consciously creating the kind of group environment you have probably experienced at times with close friends or associates - where the conversation is just so stimulating and interesting that you don’t want it to end! Sometimes, this state arises spontaneously, but within these groups that field is consciously created by the participants, and once established, is recognized as being an alignment with something higher and more expansive in perspective than may be achieved by one’s self alone either in study or in meditation. It is a direct experience in consciousness that can be learned, shared and repeated.
— Don


Work as a group to bring through the deeper meanings symbolized in classic esoteric writings. 

I have already started to realize... a more free state of energy on the mental level, a sort of trust, a certainty in the Wisdom itself where I am starting to experience a flow of inspirations, concepts, more clarity, a contact with light which is expressed through more light. A sort of shifting from believing to actually being, letting go of the control and the sense of security that the personality was calling for.
— Elisabetta


Below are the courses we offer using the text from the works of Lucille Cedercrans. Click each book to find out more about the book and the course. Under each book is the status of that course. Active indicates that we are meeting regularly. Forming indicates that we are looking to start it in the near future. Possible indicates that we would consider forming the course if there was enough interest. If it is Active and Forming it means that we have started the sessions and that you are still welcome to join.

Below are the courses we offer as compilations of quotes from the works of Alice Bailey and Lucille Cedercrans. Included here is the book, Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle by Alice Bailey.  

Click the icon below to open a page with some quotations from the compilation. If you have questions or comments or you want to participate, click Contact from the top menu and send us an email.  

The lessons have resonated with me and I have been able to notice subtle differences in my life. ...The weekly practice of meditation we have done as a group has been helpful as providing examples of how to align and still the body, mind, emotions etc. ...The lessons have been helpful to allow me to watch myself for annoyances and conflict in body, mind and emotion. These always point to something.
— Kelly


The facilitators have a background of study and application in the works of Alice A. Bailey, Helena Roerich, Lucille Cedercrans, Richard Rudd, and others. We found, in the Cedercrans body of works, that the lesson format and topics work synthetically to put the inspiration of the Roerich works, and the encyclopedic wisdom of the Alice A. Bailey teachings into practice in daily life. The three synthesize into something greater than any one by itself, helping us manifest the truths found in all three. In living wisdom we truly learn it and make it useful in the world. The texts of these courses are important. What is even more important is the areas of understanding and application opened by working with them as a group.

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has completed both of the Teacher Training courses offered as part of Lucille Cedercrans work, and facilitates courses online. He has a home in Estes Park, Colorado, USA, where he works with others in the establishment of the Center of Synthesis, as well as a home in Arlington, Texas, USA. He has published two books, Saving the World, the Spiritualization of Matter, and Polar Shift (both available for free from iBooks). See The New Groups, an article in the Winter 2019 Esoteric Quarterly, (as well as the Blog section of this website); that might be useful in that it gives a perspective on Aquarian groupness. Several other articles have been published in the Beacon, and on the Blog page of this site.


has been inspired to explore the synthesis of the many presentations of the Wisdom Teachings via the works of H.P.B., Geoffrey Barborka, Alice Bailey, Lucille Cedercrans, and Paul Foster Case, among others.  He is also a student of General Semantics and Integral Spirituality.  Having completed the Nature of the Soul and Teacher Training courses, he co-facilitates online dialogues on Synthesis with Henry via Resounds. Residing in Denver, Colorado USA, Don is active in the practical application of the Ancient Universal Mysteries through Masonry. 



Courses are offered for free. Online courses have approximately $700 per year in direct expenses. If you are moved to donate you can use this PayPal link:  

Contact Us 

If you have questions about the courses or you would like to let us know you are ready to start, click HERE to send us an email.

Mailing List 

If you would like to join an email list we use to announce new courses and events, click HERE.


Join with others in person and online to collaborate on projects and events.

The Wisdom Gathering became one of the most inspiring, uplifting, transformative experiences of my life! The event achieved that delicate balance between well-planned programming and flexible free time, giving us opportunities for spiritual education and group work, as well as fellowship and engagement with the natural beauty of Estes Park, Colorado.
— Cinda


We meet in Estes Park close to the beginning of the Lunar New Year. The winter is a time for quiet, inner attunement with the energies for the year. There is much silent, formless meditation, some dialogue and sharing, and time for the winter experience of the Rocky Mountains. If you are interested, please let us know by using the email form on the Contact page. 

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Wesak is a time of great opportunity. Groups the world over, large and small, synchronize their service at an exact day and time. The invocative aspect of that service is to touch into and become the appeal of the prisoners of the planet for release into the warmth, understanding, and inclusiveness of living love. If you are interested, please let us know by using the email form on the Contact page. 



The Wisdom Group ( holds a Gathering in the fall. More information is available at